

Adam’s mom sent us a picture of this framed newspaper article from his childhood.  In it Adam says his dad is the best because he went on a field trip with his class.  So sweet.

So isn’t it something else (not sweet) that this morning when I told Davis I would be a chaperone on his field trip to the Virginia Beach Aquarium, he handed the check back to me and said, “That’s okay, mom, we don’t need you this time.  I’m going to be in my friend’s mom’s group.”

Do As I Say…

… not as I do…

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After an exciting week meeting with two clients, I found myself wandering around my house, aimlessly.  One of my clients is building a new house so we are working together to ensure her new kitchen is beautiful and functional.

Really think through the cabinet design/ layout for storage and placement.  Does everything you actually use have a place?  When you have a blank canvas, you can really make it work for you.  We made some great headway.

Then I returned home to my kitchen (sad face).  I started to feel sorry for myself because I have more cabinets than I care to admit jammed full of crap!

When I read this post from one of my favorite bloggers, it reminded me to follow my own advice!  EDIT your stuff!

So I started with the cabinet under the island.  Pots, pans and lids everywhere!  I think even the dogs were fearful every time we opened a door because something loud could fall out.  I had my brown paper bags ready to get rid of any extraneous pieces.  Three bags later, only my prime pots and pans with matching lids remain.  And it only took about 15 minutes.  They are stacked neatly- and here is the key- They will be put back in the exact same spot after use!

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not magazine-worthy but so much better 🙂

Then it was on to one of the two foyer closets.  I even found some things I’ve been looking for!






I am hoping to tackle some more cabinets, closets, and bookshelves… 15 minutes at a time.

PS It really helps me to put on some good music first.

Little Things

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Lately we have been having some TRUE spring days and the weather is just invigorating!  I LOVE it!  My favorite climate is around 72 degrees (although I also love a good rainy day for staying inside and making soup:)

I’ve taken several walks and the blue skies make me feel all bubbly inside.  This morning I took my big camera outside because my Irises are blooming!  I’m sure my neighbors thought I had lost it outside, still in my pajamas.  But Irises are my mom’s favorite flower so I always think of her when I see them.  She loves their sweet scent and we can’t believe someone hasn’t invented Iris-smelling perfume or candles?!?

They are so delicate and it had just rained.  I have tried cutting them to vase indoors but it never works out for me- they kind of wither- so I snapped away and will have the photos to enjoy instead!


The Spring blooms and clear, blue skies are two of my favorite things this week and here are some others:



  • This article from Parade Magazine (in the Sunday newspaper): Exceptional Minds Movie Magic It makes me so happy to know that society is learning about how different we all are and instead of focusing on what we can’t do, focusing on what our gifts are!